What are the benefits of fruit To body

What are the benefits of fruit To body

 What are the benefits of fruit To body
 What are the benefits of fruit To body

Eating fruits daily offers great benefits of body, it is very rich in vitamins and minerals quotients and necessary to maintain the health of the body. It was found that people who eat more fruit and vegetables as part of the daily diet, may have decreased the likelihood of diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity. Encourages myplate program supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the United States to receive the human half of his meals daily of fruits and vegetables.


The benefits of fruit body in general, contain important vitamins and minerals such as potassium, fiber and vitamin C) and Folic, beside contain antioxidants which protect free of cracks. We will learn in this subject to what is the benefits of fruits in general body pictures And Play A Big Rule In Weight Loss .


Benefits of fruits in general

1- assistance in slimming And Weight Loss .

2-  to reduce the level of cholesterol and fats

3-  Get Rid of digestive problems and handle

4-  Prevention of cancer diseases

5- prevention of diseases of the Heart

6- Prevention of high blood pressure

7-  Reduce the Risk of injury have been ill total

8- Prevention of diseases of the cold .

9-  Prevention of anemia disease

10- Protection of the body from diabetes

11- Increase the body’s immunity and prevention of diseases.

some apprehensions of eating fruits:

1- not meaning that the fruit has great benefits of body that we are dealing with very large quantities, is necessary to eat or drink anything, even if the water is great interest.

2- There is a common error, Eating fruits after eating is directly, but this would cause problems in digestion because of the carbohydrates present in fruit quickly and contented with dining spots on the stomach. It should not be taken any food After Eating fruits directly and wait for at least half an hour after eating fruits.

3- some fruit very rich High Carb Diets such as bananas, apples, therefore preferred not dealt with large quantities because it can cause a rise in blood sugar.

4- very rich fruit fiber and a lot of fiber is working to increase Digestion problems, indigestion, therefore, must be dealt with fairly, especially if you are not familiar with the deal with a lot of fruits and vegetables. The fiber must be increased gradually to familiarize yourself with the stomach.

5-  Money laundering must be well fruit selection sound fruit because it may contain the effects of pesticides or bacteria.

6- some fruit contains a lot of leaching has been successfully treated and thus increase the possibility of infection have been ill total, so if you’re infected kidney problems or bitterness must be Eating fruits small quantities.

7- would prefer to eat fresh fruit so as not to be influenced by loss of vitamins and minerals, in addressing the juice must not add sugar.

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