Accursed light and healthy cuisine 100 calories only!

Accursed light and healthy cuisine 100 calories only!


 Accursed light and healthy cuisine 100 calories only!
 Accursed light and healthy cuisine 100 calories only!

 The diet does not inevitably meant continued suffering. We should all of us to try a few food fats and calories to see results, but could include dietary large group of flavors. We have collected 10 You damned, delicious cuisine and useful body 100 calories a meal.


Accursed light cuisine we may have become accustomed to taken wrong way is teeming with calorie where we’re sharing here with ideas and quantities of calories less. The integration of some food will not result in food-impregnated fibers, vitamins and minerals not only food, but also create light meals taste delicious and healthy, all this 100 calories per meal light only.



  • Five pieces of chestnut

May be five pieces of chestnut, which is the share of a starch extends the body, including approximately 80 calories, an ideal light meal during the evening, or watch TV, where it is no longer a source of calcium and potassium overload well and many of the vitamins, especially vitamin C and vitamin B, as well as a fat in which the good fat and useful health of the heart and arteries, and that it is a rich source of fiber, which will help us to a sense of Fool Your Body Into Feeling Full.


  • The authority of the Watercress

Watercresses and pomegranates has always known as many benefits to the body and health for containing many of the anti-oxidation, which contribute to the prevention of cancers, as well as to the haunting melody some fiber and many metals, especially iron and folic vitamins are essential for the health of the body a vitamin C and 100 grams of which contain 25 calories and 1.6 grams fiber.


  • Pills are medium sweet potato grilled

sweet potato can be an example for a meal winter light on the contents of the high proportion of antioxidant vitamin A natural fibers, the rich source of ” Rogozhin said, as asserted by, medium in size, stirfry and contains approximately 80-100 calories, thus no taunting of conscience when eating potato light meal during the day being calculated with the rest of the daily Thermal.


  • The salade of the avocado

Kobe from the authority of the vegetables With avocado is no longer a source of daily very rich great benefits to the health of the heart and arteries and, in particular, as it is very useful for patients with pressure is rich source fiber quotients and saturated fats and others and useful body on the condition of not exceeding the amount of avocado added the price of the pills avocado medium.

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