Losing weight is not all the price

Losing weight is not all the price


 Losing weight is not all the price
 Losing weight is not all the price

is generally recognized, today, in the western world, the measurement of overweight or obese through the body mass index, known as the BMI, which is the result of dividing the (division) weight (kg) on this mission along the person (in meters). The weight plus when the value of the index of BMI between 25 to 30, while the definition of the situation as “fat” when the value of the body mass index (BMI) more than 30.


Over the past decades, the phenomenon of excess weight epidemic proportions in the western countries, big danger lies here in the excess weight is the basis on which arise from serious chronic diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases and malignant diseases.


The growing awareness of the damage potential high as a result of this phenomenon, was innovation and develop methods of Weight Loss treatment methods (Protocols), is essentially dependent on a specific diet and exercise. But the treatment was often depends surgical intervention, which was to solve the problem of persons and temporary progress only, because most of these methods and protocols ignore psychological aspect the excessive eating.


It has become clear today, all those who are receiving treatment of obesity excess weight, the best ways to lose weight, is to include, in addition to proper nutrition physical activity, addressing the psychological aspect mental and behavioral.


inclined people who suffer from overweight or obese, in many cases, to deal with the quantity of food than they need, as the mania eating temporary replacements for the lack of consent in life, or as a result of the shock, or the satisfaction of labor relations, or even painful experience in the past (for example, sexual harassment, where the reaction of the person is excessive eating and Weight Without awareness. In order to form a deterrent factor other sex, as a means of self-defense against sexual harassment of additional other sex(.


There is a lot of psychological projections excess weight and obesity in the daily life of the person fat. Several recent polls have showed that the society that people who suffer from overweight as, however successful, and beautiful. This causes a rejection of society around them.


As a result of this social situation around them – according to what came in the polls – the people who suffer from overweight and obesity, have great difficulty in finding work and acceptance, and be paid less than the wages of their counterparts in the work.


More than all these factors of psychological problems that they face on a daily basis. Therefore, it is now clear, that the best way to lose weight is that, in addition to the amendment of the health food and sporting activities, treatment of the roots of the problem is to combine the psychological treatment and treatment physical, in order to obtain the best results, and for a continuous.

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