Drugs Cause Weight increase

Drugs Cause Weight increase
 Drugs Cause Weight increase
 Drugs Cause Weight increase

excess calories in foods may not be the only reason responsible for increasing weight, but there are other reasons may cause increase of weight, of these reasons some drugs used in the treatment of some diseases.

Each type of these medicines work differently, causing an increase in weight, is working to increase the appetite or increase the efficiency of the body store fat or working to discourage incineration process in the body.

It is noteworthy that the weight increase this may not occur for all of use this medicine, the person has acquired a certain weight as a result of the drug, but another person with the same medicine and the same dose did not increase weight.

excess calories in foods may not be the only reason responsible for the increase in weight, but there are other reasons may cause increase of weight, of these reasons some drugs used in the treatment of some diseases.

Each type of these medicines work differently, causing an increase in weight, is working to increase the appetite or increase the efficiency of the body store fat or working to discourage incineration process in the body.

It is noteworthy that the weight increase this may not occur for all of use this medicine, the person has acquired a certain weight as a result of the drug, but another person with the same medicine and the same dose did not increase weight.

The following is a list of these drugs:

Estrogen hormone:

Estrogen drugs in the prevention of pregnancy, where the high amount of this hormone lead to some to a marked increase in appetite and thus to increase weight. It also is working to increase the retention of body fluid.


Most commonly used to treat diseases immune skin inflammation and sensitivity, asthma, rheumatism, which are mostly chronic diseases and need to long periods of treatment, this accumulation of fats, especially in the areas of the face, neck, chest and abdomen, in addition to that lead to banking and salt water inside the body under the skin, causing a false increase in weight.
Some medicines anti-allergy:

Research has shown that it increases the scalability, delicious dining, leading to obesity.

Some medicines psychological diseases and epilepsy:

These drugs are used for extended periods of time and lead to obesity some alerts eating centers in the brain and open appetite and others reduces the energy consumption and shatter fats.

Some Diabetes Drugs:

Use these drugs in diabetes treatment of type II taboo subject side effect in increasing weight.

insulin hormone:

used in diabetes treatment, insulin to store fat in the body, so we find after a period of treatment that increased weight and quantities of fats accumulated in the skin also increased.

High Blood Pressure Drugs:

these drugs to discourage incineration process in the body. If you are dealing with any of these drugs, you should not discuss your doctor about the possibility of another type switch medicine in order to avoid further weight.

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