eating Gluttonously and how to deal with him.?

What is eating Gluttonously Without awareness of how to deal with him?


 What is eating Gluttonously Without awareness of how to deal with him?

Eating Gluttonously Without awareness of scientific behavioral interpretations, also, so what happened and Eat once a bag full of sweet potato chips, though ye not hungry?

If that is the case, already yourselves out of the millions of victims of eating unconscious, every short message (mindless eating. This term has been developed by Dr. Brian Brian wansink), a specialist in Psychology diet of Cornell University, to describe unconscious eating habits that can lead to the increase of weight of unnecessary.


Eating Gluttonously can be converted to eat better aware – and perhaps even reduce weight – only through a small changes such as eating of smaller dishes.


At the annual meeting of the American Society of psychology described tests conducted by the eating unconscious and strategies for eating unconscious better, made it clear that big dish= meal large, one problem, are at least in the United States, and that our eyes more of our entrees. “We asked 150 of Parisians how they know that they had finished dinner, the answer is “when we feel full “.  150 when asked us the same question, they said: “When the dish is empty”.


Other tests indicate that the volume of the meal affects the quantity that Eating In one of the tests, received 168 of cinema watchers who had just finished dinner, popcorn fresh old or different sizes, eating participants 34% -45% more than the PopCorn when received very large size bowl, compared with those who received popcorn standard size bowl – even if non-fresh popcorn. The size of the meal affects the quantity that , in another investigation found that people were pouring fluid more than about 37% In cups cups short compared with long and narrow, which are the same size. Even dish corn chips that keep the child could be a trap. Experience has shown that the children poured an amount of doubling of corn chips to dish with a capacity of 450 grams compared with dish with a capacity of 225 grams. In another experiment, was to provide soup for 30 people by “dish without bottom” which was connected to the pipeline under the table, which was filled in time and again from the bottom without the known participants. The soup, 30 another person juicy normal. The participants who had received in a bowl of soup without bottom of ate more than 73 % of the participants who ate the regular dishes, but they were not classified as themselves in the questionnaire, which had received later that they can more than those who ate less than them. said: “Don’t count on the Stomch to tell you that you can, it can be said that lie,” he said.


Dr. Jean cristlir , professor of psychology at the University of the state of Indiana, said that in spite of that, many of us eat Gluttonously Without awareness of, but we can train ourselves to know better when we were not getting enough. It proposes to start with this simple technical conscious of eating. Cuba from water poured yourselves up half a liter, Drink half the amount of water, and focused on the existing feelings of you have in the abdomen. Then Drink other half

recommendations for the program reduce weight

recommendations for follow-up to the program to reduce weight


 recommendations for follow-up to the program to reduce weight

The implementation of the program of weight should be the following:


1- We must keep a record of weekly weight, is the weight in the same time every day and the same balance in the same service. It has been found that the loss in weight is quick in the first days of the weight loss and the reason for this is that the shortage in water body stored on the )glycogen) in the liver and muscles, the latter will be exhausted in the first day or two of the diminishing.


2-  Make sure to engage in sports daily.


3- Be sure to follow the instructions of behavior change food.


4- A clinical laboratory analyzes and examinations to the doctor.


5- After reaching the desired rate of the weight of the body, which was determined in the first program, gives a person a diet specific level to maintain the weight of his body for life as much as possible.


Aptil Fatty Meals bad impression for years. In the beginning, of the fat-saturated because it raises blood cholesterol in return, it was believed that the FAT multiple single Good Fats because it does not do so.


After that, considered all fats as bad and urged Americans to reduce their consumption as much as possible and some more than that, as advised by giving young children (under the age of two years) Milk free of fat, and did not approve any doctor official children on this advice.


The basis of this impression on the fatty and is mostly to realize that obesity is increasing in the United States of America.


Since the FAT is of nutrients the most energy-intensive (9 gram calories, this generated a feeling need to alert people that high-fat meals lead to excessive calorie consumption, therefore, in order to reduce weight should stop the fatty meals, there is a tendency to close linkage between fatty meals and fat on the human body.


Even now, with the Americans had had decreased to the light of the number of calories obtained from fatty meals obesity is still on the rise. The problem was that, in spite of all that had been raised on milk, the Americans have been unable to see the real side of the command, which is that the play bigger role in weight loss is calories and not the sources and we believe that we may spend the proportion of fat in the total complement our calorie intake has increased.


VERY IMPORTANT fatty material advantage is its ability to make food more palatable, as well as the aromatic particles and flavors disband and fat is not working as a holder only, but protects from loss by evaporationfrom or expressed by redox potential or its interaction with other components for food. This explains why the meals containing the fat Delicious Taste of low-fat meals or free him. The feeling of delicious foods and flavor mouth resulting in the FAT.

10 benefits to reduce weight

10 benefits to reduce weight


 10 benefits to reduce weight

When we intend to lose weight, the first what we think is the concern of the waist circumference cod Al-Mayyas, more of concern to health. It is true that the weight allows us to wear smaller sizes of clothing and thus improve the appearance, but the most important thing in all of this positive results of weight loss on the health situation and various members of the body, especially arteries. In the following lines we offer the most prominent benefits derived from losing weight.


– First benefit: reduce high blood pressure. Many of the people who suffer from an increase in weight complain of high blood pressure in numbers, and all research pointed to the existence of a link between weight gain and morbidity to cardiovascular disease.


– Second: reducing the risk of diabetes – Type II. The 80 percent of adults who suffer from an increase in weight complain of disease diabetes Type II (i.e. non-adopted the insulin hormone), according to the statistics that this disease, which was not previously seen only in the period of advanced age, we see today affects who did not cut after the age of forty.


– Third interest: reducing the risk of heart disease. The increase in weight is considered one of the important factors that cause heart disease. The survival of the weight increase the Heart sooner or later to bankruptcy, and in this context the researchers high rates of heart diseases in the high weight because of the burden represented by the increase of the heart in order to secure the pump blood to various parts of the body.


– Fourth interest: reducing the level of cholesterol in blood. It is known that high cholesterol in their blood, creates the opportunity to build appropriate fat cells on the interior trim walls arteries, especially the minute of it.


– Fifth interest: reduction in the level of tripartite grease in blood. There is a close relationship between an increase in weight and high-level tripartite grease in the blood, especially in the area around his waist exceeded 102 cm for men and 88 cm for women. The tripartite high grease constitutes a danger to the cardiovascular just as the case with bad cholesterol rise.


– Sixth interest: reducing the risk of exposure to Shows HRT Linked to Raised Stroke. The increase of weight constitute a risk factor opens the door wide to stroke that occur as a result of the inability of blood on the access to the brain’s nerve cells do not receive the necessary food and air assertions brain damaged and unable to core functions.


– Interest Seventh: reduce vulnerability to diseases of joints. In a study carried out in Australia on a number of persons researchers revealed that there is a link between weight gain and the risk of disease Arthritis roughness. Of course, the weight increase create a significant burden on the joints of the lower body, as well as the fats accumulated in the body that incite to produce cytokine,” vehicles involved in the mechanism for destroying the cartilaginous covering rooftops joints.


– Eighth interest: Reduce manifestations of asthma. The weight loss when people with asthma contributes to reducing the symptoms of the disease, as well as the improvement of the general situation of these. In this context.


– Ninth interest: Improve sleep. The increase of weight behind the consecutive interruptions in breathing systems and claim to the frequent deprive its owner of access to sleep comfort mental and psychological and physical issuer.


– Tenth interest: promoting self-confidence. that the person who cut his weight fat finds itself in case the best, and improving other look at him, and this is what leaves positive repercussions on the psychological health and life and personal and professional. until marriage.

The secret behind weight Changes

The secret behind weight Changes


 The secret behind weight Changes
 The secret behind weight Changes

Infected many of the individuals concerned and tension when surprised increase of weight or when a loss of weight in a short period, it is feared that in this case the infection of a high proportion of blood sugar rushed to the work of the analysis to be reassured about his health and increasing confusion when the outcome of the examination of diabetes.


Rose says Dr. Safa Abdel Moneim, Consultant and Professor the abdominal diseases and endocrinology, sugar, that disorders weight of most of the things that are of concern to many people, whether an increase in weight or obesity or low weight and even access to thin, and the obesity is the most common weight of disorders are often resorted the patient immediately to organize food and exercise to reduce weight in cases of obesity, where the more reasons for obesity is increasing foods for starches and fats and minimization of the movement and support the practice of sports, there are a number of patients complain of the lack of response to these methods of treatment, despite their commitment to strong even in the case of eating some medicines reduced weight, this is due to lack of attention to other reasons that lead to An increase in weight, and do not respond to these treatments, and these reasons are often return to endocrine disruption, and clarifies the Dr. Safa Abdel Moneim Said months rose, endocrine disorders, which can cause an increase in weight is the lack of secretion of the thyroid, which is often due to the eradication of the thyroid or being damaged as a result of a defect to the device immune system and be accompanied by a sense of very cool and a tendency to sleep condiitions, poetry


and recommended Dr. Safa Abdel Moneim rose to conduct an analysis of hormones affecting the weight, and this before the start of any lines of treatment of the problem of obesity, in order to exclude any hormonal imbalance may lead to obesity, on the contrary of obesity, the thin may also affect the patient in spite of eating large quantities, and also the reasons for the thin to hormonal imbalance is the increased fluids Thyroid gland and be accompanied by disorders in the bedrooms, in hands and race and irregularities in the heart and lack of secretion of corticosteroids, glands and shall be accompanied by a severe drop in blood pressure or lack of insulin hormone from the pancreas, which leads to suffering diabetes, therefore, to conduct analyzes to measure the percentage of hormones which lead to thin be necessary before starting the treatment of these cases.

accursed Effective and healthy way!

Accursed Check-In or accursed. Effective and healthy way!


 Accursed Check-In or accursed. Effective and healthy way!

Accursed Check-In is a diet that you are looking for! Low-carb cursed, cursed, cursed fasting detox, accursed Dokan, and other many diets weight landings, bubbling rapid weight, the question is, what is the extent of their effectiveness? And that achieved the desired results, you will last for a long time?


The fever of others based on the clear and has not been supported by scientific studies and research, may have a negative impact on your health, and it certainly does not carry the required specifications for any cursed a balanced and comprehensive health of all elements.The be of short-term results, and soon return to a new weight of its predecessor.

And here are the following are the most important three reasons to avoid any accursed. rapid, non-health:

1- damned fast, but has a negative impact on energy:

most types of dieting highway greatly reduce thermal dealt with on a daily basis, which makes you do not derive sufficient energy for hanging daily, and lead to a feeling of debilitating and fatigue, fatigue, inability to concentrate and your daily properly. And in the long run may affect your health negatively!


2- Accursed Check-In but prohibited certain types of food:

accursed Check-In, but excludes some types of food and prevents it from contrary to comprehensive and balanced diet, such as meat, dairy, or others, will negatively impact on your health. I know that for a particular type of food groups will lose important elements for your body, which it needs to carry out various operations, and will suffer from a shortage of some elements, such as: Vitamin B12 and iron. On the other hand, you can achieve weight loss without excluding any food group by following our healthy and balanced.


3- Accursed Check-In but difficult application

accursed fast but difficult to rapid application in force, such as accursed accursed cabbage or fasting, or accursed blood group, etc. are all diets may require certain recipes and rules fixed application difficult, it is not the person can keep it for a long time, may lose weight follow quickly, but it may pose a major threat to health as a result of lack of calorific value food components.


If away from the diet is hard and fast, efficient and optimal diet?

Optimal diet is effective and healthy diet which lasts for the long term in which it is the gradual descending weight takes into account all the needs of the body, and in which to deal with the daily calories adequate to the level of physical activity, so that the practice of burning. It must be a gradual descending weight since approximately 0.5 2.1 kg in week commitment with appropriate physical activity.

Tips on accursed 50 Kilo

 Tips on accursed 50 Kilo
 Tips on accursed 50 Kilo

of many persons in need of large force and stimulate massive to begin to follow a diet. By tips on you here, you know what is hiding behind this difficulty in taking the decision to commence the diet, and what prevents you. The weight and how to confront it.


1- To know causes of obesity

many people, whether they were aware of, or were not aware of, have certain reasons to remain with extra weight. These people are inclined to deny these reasons and not to confront them face to face. But, in order to succeed in weight must be rid of these reasons that prevent us from doing so. These reasons may be different and varied. A lot of people prefer suffering from excess weight to do not face problems of intimate relations or their inability to build social relations. But might be hiding behind the excess weight and throwing guilt,when they realize that diet can solve the problem they have intimate relations social tension.


2- Development of willingness and desire to

a lot of people are used to blame for their lives as the reason for their suffering from excess weight. For example, does not find interest in the diet when the difficult material situation, or when they believe that the diet will not help them to change their lives or place of work. But many of them convince themselves that they don’t have the time to lose weight, or that their relations are bad why try, already؟


Here the desire, if the person who suffers from excess weight a decision between him and himself – even if it were assisted by specialist – will decrease of weight, despite that his life is incomplete in spite of the bad physical condition although it almost certainly will remain in the same place after the Diet. It will be easier Weight Loss weight this process will be faster. And who knows, might change his life thanks to this.


3- Appropriate


in order to choose the best weight is revising, it is important to get advice from different sources, whether from friends or family members with expertise, or consult with a specialist or feeding specialist myself, summoned the need, it is possible to join the meetings of consultation groups in different weight observers to evaluate the adequacy of these programs to you.


However, the evaluation and thinking diets may take appropriate, in some cases, for a long time, so that some people decide to sometimes delayed because they believe that they are not ready to implement it. Therefore, we must draw attention and not to fall in this trap. Even the choice of a diet is not appropriate for you, it is always possible to replace another try harder.

4- In order to be able to do self-accounting 50 kilograms, it is necessary to punish self-reliance. When we speak of a diet to lose some kilograms, there is no need for follow-up to weight accurately. But, when talking about the serious diet, whether in the framework of programs to keep weight or help feed specialist, or even must be express calories being consumed and the amount of kilograms, which are lost.


5- appropriateness of expectations

accursed 50 km in a healthy process is not fast, but may take a year or two years in some cases. It is important to remember this fact and accepted. Persons who do not take quick start diet to lose some kilograms is an example of the highest to you, because this process is completely different

A healthy diet And How To Follow IT

A healthy diet And How To Follow IT


 A healthy diet And How To Follow IT
 A healthy diet And How To Follow IT

in the past few years, started to raise awareness of the importance of following a healthy diet and nutrition, sound, increasing significantly. There had been several reasons many people toward the adoption and personal food systems of their own, the most important of which is the proliferation of phenomena such as obesity at an early age, the increase in the number of the injured heart diseases, diabetes, increased awareness of what the impact of the food consumed by the human body and health, and other reasons.


Do not like any one of us, not his personality and physical needs. Therefore, each and every one of us needs certain types of food consumption, and needs to build a healthy diet personal commensurate with their needs, and takes into account the age, state of health, weight, length, the nature of its growth habits and eat food. It is possible to contribute to the system is to improve his health, and to improve food consumption, with maintaining the food contains all the elements needed by the person.


The experts in the field of nutrition to build a healthy diet. But before that, in order to facilitate the task, the those with a number of different tests, such as blood tests to check whether there is a shortage of a particular weight in blood, check and compare it to age and height, as well as a number of other medical examinations, which aims to detect the situation general physical and the status of different member in the body in more detail. After these checks are building nutrition system appropriate to the person.


There are many examples of good nutrition systems. But today’s most prominent example is the diet meals for children at school. Governments health organizations and stresses, as always, the importance of the nutrition programs for children with a view to spared fatness, because many of them Batu suffer from today.


The ad hoc diet children’s meals and elaborate arrangement which the children addressed (three meals a day), as well as the types of food allowed addressed those prohibited (more fruits and vegetables, and less of the desserts). In addition, these programs also stresses – – the importance of breakfast, a 10:00, and the merger between the Diet sports activities that the boys exercise has consistently and fixed.


Another outstanding example health food systems, is the system that is being prepared for persons who suffer from a particular disease, or in the case of physical non-natural. In spite of that the diet will not necessarily may He heal them from these diseases, but provides them with food, they need and lack necessary in light of the vulnerability of the year due to eating a lot of medicines, or lack of ability to deal with a number of food.

Three Stages of one aim: reduce weight

Three Stages of one aim: reduce weight


 Three Stages of one aim: reduce weight
 Three Stages of one aim: reduce weight

was proof of the usefulness of this food program the scientific way. This program is effective in reducing weight in preserving the results that we get on the long run.


Do not be addressing obesity only, but it is also addressing the various factors that led to obesity, thus you can get rid of all types of the Diet, which took place some of you prey to have in the past.


The three stages to reduce weight in the long-term


first stage – the starting-point in diet

is starting this stage and continue about 6 weeks. In this stage progress, the production of all your batteries to reduce the weight. diet based on the principle of integration of different types of cuisine, and not on the number of calories. The system has a diet in the first phase of a small amount of fat, carbohydrates, fats corresponds to the later added carbohydrates in the evening.

The two people who have developed this diet funeral and demonstrate its effectiveness on scientific and medical level are: Dr. Richelle and Richard Heller.

Was this the Diet approval and encouragement by nutrition specialists, doctors, the heart of the whole world, especially that it has been prepared, in particular to combat addiction to Carbohydrates and to allow weight to a safe, healthy and lasting peace.


Second stage – stage moderate

if had succeeded in ending the first phase, the compliments and the outcome of the weight efficiencies will move forward to continue the program of dietary attendance on its implementation. In this stage become a way of life, without diet to feel hungry because of feeling bored, repression or attitudes that discourage the make you tougher.


Third stage – the stage maintaining achievement that we have achieved :

this is the most important phase. Many people succeed in reducing their weight in many cases over their lives, but their success will be short-term, with the result that the pain and frustration in each time.


The question is how can we maintain the achievement that we have achieved, as well as maintaining the weight always appropriate and proper.

Losing weight is not all the price

Losing weight is not all the price


 Losing weight is not all the price
 Losing weight is not all the price

is generally recognized, today, in the western world, the measurement of overweight or obese through the body mass index, known as the BMI, which is the result of dividing the (division) weight (kg) on this mission along the person (in meters). The weight plus when the value of the index of BMI between 25 to 30, while the definition of the situation as “fat” when the value of the body mass index (BMI) more than 30.


Over the past decades, the phenomenon of excess weight epidemic proportions in the western countries, big danger lies here in the excess weight is the basis on which arise from serious chronic diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases and malignant diseases.


The growing awareness of the damage potential high as a result of this phenomenon, was innovation and develop methods of Weight Loss treatment methods (Protocols), is essentially dependent on a specific diet and exercise. But the treatment was often depends surgical intervention, which was to solve the problem of persons and temporary progress only, because most of these methods and protocols ignore psychological aspect the excessive eating.


It has become clear today, all those who are receiving treatment of obesity excess weight, the best ways to lose weight, is to include, in addition to proper nutrition physical activity, addressing the psychological aspect mental and behavioral.


inclined people who suffer from overweight or obese, in many cases, to deal with the quantity of food than they need, as the mania eating temporary replacements for the lack of consent in life, or as a result of the shock, or the satisfaction of labor relations, or even painful experience in the past (for example, sexual harassment, where the reaction of the person is excessive eating and Weight Without awareness. In order to form a deterrent factor other sex, as a means of self-defense against sexual harassment of additional other sex(.


There is a lot of psychological projections excess weight and obesity in the daily life of the person fat. Several recent polls have showed that the society that people who suffer from overweight as, however successful, and beautiful. This causes a rejection of society around them.


As a result of this social situation around them – according to what came in the polls – the people who suffer from overweight and obesity, have great difficulty in finding work and acceptance, and be paid less than the wages of their counterparts in the work.


More than all these factors of psychological problems that they face on a daily basis. Therefore, it is now clear, that the best way to lose weight is that, in addition to the amendment of the health food and sporting activities, treatment of the roots of the problem is to combine the psychological treatment and treatment physical, in order to obtain the best results, and for a continuous.

Accursed light and healthy cuisine 100 calories only!

Accursed light and healthy cuisine 100 calories only!


 Accursed light and healthy cuisine 100 calories only!
 Accursed light and healthy cuisine 100 calories only!

 The diet does not inevitably meant continued suffering. We should all of us to try a few food fats and calories to see results, but could include dietary large group of flavors. We have collected 10 You damned, delicious cuisine and useful body 100 calories a meal.


Accursed light cuisine we may have become accustomed to taken wrong way is teeming with calorie where we’re sharing here with ideas and quantities of calories less. The integration of some food will not result in food-impregnated fibers, vitamins and minerals not only food, but also create light meals taste delicious and healthy, all this 100 calories per meal light only.



  • Five pieces of chestnut

May be five pieces of chestnut, which is the share of a starch extends the body, including approximately 80 calories, an ideal light meal during the evening, or watch TV, where it is no longer a source of calcium and potassium overload well and many of the vitamins, especially vitamin C and vitamin B, as well as a fat in which the good fat and useful health of the heart and arteries, and that it is a rich source of fiber, which will help us to a sense of Fool Your Body Into Feeling Full.


  • The authority of the Watercress

Watercresses and pomegranates has always known as many benefits to the body and health for containing many of the anti-oxidation, which contribute to the prevention of cancers, as well as to the haunting melody some fiber and many metals, especially iron and folic vitamins are essential for the health of the body a vitamin C and 100 grams of which contain 25 calories and 1.6 grams fiber.


  • Pills are medium sweet potato grilled

sweet potato can be an example for a meal winter light on the contents of the high proportion of antioxidant vitamin A natural fibers, the rich source of ” Rogozhin said, as asserted by, medium in size, stirfry and contains approximately 80-100 calories, thus no taunting of conscience when eating potato light meal during the day being calculated with the rest of the daily Thermal.


  • The salade of the avocado

Kobe from the authority of the vegetables With avocado is no longer a source of daily very rich great benefits to the health of the heart and arteries and, in particular, as it is very useful for patients with pressure is rich source fiber quotients and saturated fats and others and useful body on the condition of not exceeding the amount of avocado added the price of the pills avocado medium.


What is the accursed protein!


From the Atkins Diet to deal with the pattern of recommended diabetes patients, who need to be cautious in particular on food that affect the levels of sugar in their blood (carbohydrates mainly). Other options include protein powder industrial localities, species and many of these plans for the people themselves in the process of making food system suitable for them.


Major feature low-carb diet, High Protein protein is any damned it removes, or at least reduce, very refined carbohydrates. Duplicate, carbohydrates (such as bread and rice, wheat, pasta, White House most of canapes tonics and desserts) give large quantities of sugar. Minimize the types of carbohydrates, can better control levels of sugar and insulin in the blood. In addition, there are other possible health benefits can be achieved, such as the loss of weight and reduce levels of tripartite in blood. negative side-free food systems of carbohydrates or low-carbohydrate diets lies in that it removes all or most carbohydrates, at the expense of some carbohydrates existing health in fruit and vegetables, cereals, full (such as brown rice, bread and wheat grain full full cardboard,pasta and other) .


There is a useful way to assess carbohydrates is an indicator of diabetes, which is a gauge rapid rise in blood sugar when dealing with human certain food. Low Indicator cuisine diabetes have little impact on the blood sugar and includes most of whole grains, vegetables, and many of the fruits. and snacks with High Diabetes index, which raises the level of blood sugar very quickly, these foods are often include Grain Processing, starches, juices, pastries, sodas and some fruits.


On the rapid rise in blood sugar level indicator cuisine of High Diabetes leads to higher levels of insulin. insulin hormone is causing hunger by taking sugar from blood cells and giving it touts use or store fat in the picture. Since the blood sugar in foods High Diabetes indicator disappears faster (turns to fat), these foods produces a feeling of less Fool Your Body Into Feeling Full can lead to address plus food and excess amounts of calories, in the end, the acquisition of more weight. Also, the foods High Diabetes indicator of food less than food diabetes Low Indicator. These “empty” calories.


Unfortunately, foods High Diabetes indicator represents the majority of carbohydrates in classic American cuisine. If the accursed protein helps you reduce dining index High Diabetes may have some health benefits.

Correct way to lose weight green tea

Correct way to lose weight green tea


 Correct way to lose weight green tea
 Correct way to lose weight green tea

drinking green tea every day is a great way to lose weight, where that drinking four cups of green tea every day stimulate a process of representation helps food to eat less quantities, green tea helps in losing weight by preventing absorb Carbohydrates and increase the rate of fat burning in the body, and that the powerful antioxidant in green tea helps to protection from disease. Green tea readily available in most grocery stores or any other shops selling tea, green tea is an easy way of losing weight, and, as is the case with any system of new diet should speak with the health care before starting the accursed green tea.


Program for the use of green tea to lose weight:

1- Green tea is boiling hot water, but covers to prevent essential oils of evaporation.

2- Do not drink more than 4 cups during the day, each Kobe 200 ML distributed throughout the day, preferably taken after meals an hour.

3- if the additional doses (5 cups or more) will suffer from side effects such as headaches and problems in sleep and insomnia and nervous pulsation in heart disease and high blood pressure.



Green tea Health Benefits:

1- Weight : Green Tea increases the process of representation, food in green tea is working to increase the rate of Fat Burning.

2- Diabetes : green tea helps the organization of glucose levels, where prevents high blood sugar after eating, and this prevents surges high insulin resulting from the store fat.

3- Heart diseases: the green tea to strengthen the headliner blood vessels, which helps to relax and the changes in blood pressure. It also protects from the strokes, which is the main reason for the heart.

4- Esophageal Cancer : could be the Green Tea reduces the risk of esophagus cancer, where it kills cancer cells in general without damage surrounding sound tapestries.

5- Cholesterol: Green Tea reduces bad cholesterol in the blood and improve good cholesterol.

6- Alzheimer’s disease to Parkinson’s disease : studies have shown the mice that Green Tea Protects brain cells from death and the restoration of damaged brain cells.

7- Dental Caries: studies indicate that the antioxidants found in green tea can destroy bacteria and viruses that cause sore throat and untreated decay teeth.

8- Blood Pressure: regular consumption Green Tea reduces the risk of high blood pressure.

9- Depression: Amini acid is normally located in the papers of green tea to provide relaxation.


Tip : prefers to drink green tea with Jasmine he spends on the side effects of the tea and reduces the diseases of the heart and arteries and high sugar and reduces the sensitive and alleviates the pain.